I'm Olivia! Artist and donut enthusiast

Welcome to my blog! As a Minneapolis and Rogers boudoir photographer I try my best to give you the best information on lots of topics and give you much value as possible.  I am absolutely thrilled to have you here and eager to offer as much value as possible. Don't hesitate to reach out to me anytime, I am always here to assist you in any way I can!

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Hey there, friend! I totally get where you’re coming from – you might be wondering why boudoir photos cost so much, and if it’s really worth the investment.

Behind the Scenes: The Real Cost of Boudoir Photography

woman facing wall in black lace lingerie


woman arching on couch in white lingerie smiling down

Boudoir photography has become increasingly popular over the years, with more and more women booking shoots to capture intimate, sexy, and empowering images of themselves. While some may view boudoir photography as an indulgence, it can actually have a significant impact on a woman’s confidence and self-esteem.

The Empowering Reason Why Women are Saying Yes to Boudoir Shoots


Feeling confident and want to capture yourself in all the best angles possible? An empowering boudoir shoot may be just the thing you need! Connecting with your outer and inner beauty is the moral of the story, and a good boudoir photography experience can be just the right thing to build your self-love portfolio.

How to Rock Your Boudoir Shoot: 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Nervous

woman leaning back with bright window light shining on her in black lace lingerie

Session Tips