I'm Olivia! Artist and donut enthusiast

Welcome to my blog! As a Minneapolis and Rogers boudoir photographer I try my best to give you the best information on lots of topics and give you much value as possible.  I am absolutely thrilled to have you here and eager to offer as much value as possible. Don't hesitate to reach out to me anytime, I am always here to assist you in any way I can!

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Are you gearing up for a boudoir photo shoot and feeling confident with your lingerie? That’s great! But have you thought about adding some personal touches to your shoot with the right props? Including props that are meaningful to you or your partner can add a sentimental and unique touch to your boudoir photos. In […]

Must-Have Accessories for a Boudoir Photoshoot

woman in black lingerie biting husbands tie

Session Tips

woman laying in bed in white sheets laughing

Hey there! So, you’re curious about why single women should consider doing a boudoir session? Well, there are actually a few reasons why it can be a great idea! In fact, doing a boudoir shoot can be even more empowering and fun when you’re doing it just for yourself.

Boudoir is for the Single Ladies!

Session Tips

One of the types of images I love shooting is implied nudes so we are going to dive a little deeper into this and you can let me know if you think it’s something you want to try.

Implied nude for your boudoir?

implied nude boudoir photos

Session Tips